Unlock the sacred riches  of India with Star India Tours’ enchanting Hindu Temple Tours package. Designed to immerse you in the rich textile of Hindu culture, this thoroughly selected journey takes you on a pilgrimage through some of the country’s most revered temples, each brimming with history, tradition, and divine energy. Start on your journey in the sacred metropolis of Varanasi, where the eternal currents of the Ganges river course endlessly, bearing the essence of age-old ceremonies and deep spiritual wisdom. Experience the enchanting Ganga Aarti ceremony, a reverential tribute to the river deity, where priests bestow blessings upon worshippers congregated on the riverbanks, fostering an ambiance of ethereal beauty and devout reverence. “Begin from Varanasi towards the bustling city of Madurai, where the famed Meenakshi Amman Temple awaits. Marvel at its intricate architecture, adorned with vibrant sculptures narrating stories from Hindu mythology. Feel the devout atmosphere as pilgrims gather from distant places, drawn by the blessings of the divine mother goddess.” No pilgrimage to South India is complete without a visit to Tirupati, the abode of Lord Venkateshwara. Ascend the sacred hills of Tirumala and behold the majestic shrine dedicated to the deity, its towering gopuram reaching towards the heavens. Witness the unwavering faith of devotees as they queue patiently for a glimpse of the lord’s divine form, their hearts filled with devotion and reverence. Continuing our journey, we arrive at the serene town of Rameswaram, situated on the picturesque shores of the Pamban Island. Explore the Ramanathaswamy Temple, one of the holiest shrines in Hinduism, and bathe in the sacred waters of the Agni Teertham to cleanse your soul and embark on a journey of spiritual renewal. Our temple tour culminates in Thanjavur, where the Brihadeeswarar Temple stands as a testament to the architectural brilliance of the Chola dynasty. Marvel at the towering vimana and intricate carvings that adorn this UNESCO World Heritage Site, and delve into the history and significance of this ancient monument. Throughout your expedition, our knowledgeable guides will accompany you, providing insights into the religious and cultural significance of each site. We prioritize your comfort and convenience, with luxury accommodations, delectable cuisine, and seamless transportation arrangements ensuring a hassle-free travel experience.   Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment as we explore the sacred realms of Hinduism with Star India Tours’ Hindu Temple Tours package. Let the divine energy of these ancient temples awaken your soul and leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. Book your pilgrimage today and embark on an unforgettable odyssey through the heart of India’s spiritual heritage.



Tour Costs

No of Pax Cost Per Pax Based on 3 Star Hotels Cost Per Pax Based on 4 Star Hotels
Pax -
*Subject to change based on the specific dates and availability of hotels.

Hotel Details

City Hotels 3 Star Hotels 4 Star No of Nights
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*Subject to availability at the time of booking or else similar hotels will be suggested.